Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Pathos: when we think of a car accident we often think about  how damaged  the car is, but we don't think that people may be "damaged" too. When people drive they don't think of the consequences and drive fast and sometimes out of control. This advertisement makes you feel sad, and feel pitty, and many other powerful feelings towards the girl that was in a car accident. Her head is smashed like a car would be, and her eyes are filled with sadness and she is ready to cry. You feel and impact as soon as you see this picture your emotions are touched.

Ethos: David Beckham is a very famous soccer player. People trust him and if he does something others will probably do too.  If he is in the add it will aslo drag people's attention to read it, it drags the viewers attention. If he drinks milk and he is succesful then others will drink milk like him.
Logos: This add states that smoking kills and that it is bad for you. It tells you  many of the consequences of smoking, and they are all true and impacting. This shows the logical part of the add.  It makes you rethink on smoking because of the facts that are given.