Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Photography Inferences

I loved this picture from the moment I saw it. I think it brings so much to my mind, and it gives me so much to think about. This is why I chose it for this project.
 1. No matter your economic position you can always be happy. Money doesn't bring you happiness. There is a saying that says "Some people are so poor, all they have is money", "Money can't buy happiness" and Bob Marley once said "Money can't buy life". All these quotes relate to this picture and to what the photographer wants to express. Another quotes I found: “Dont think money does everything or you are going to end up doing everything for money." -Voltiere 
 2. Another inference I can make is that all people and kids no matter their race, culture, or religion, have a right to be happy. This girl is from a different culture and race, but still she is happy, she is radiant, everyone is equal and everyone can smile. We should celebrate diversity, difference is amazing and we should appreciate it. Quotes: "Difference is good. Don't hate. Celebrate." "Celebrate diversity" 
 3. A smile is the best thing you can wear. Anyone will look beautiful with a smile on. A smile can make your day a better one, it can help your mood, it will make you smile. There are many quotes that state this: "Use your smile to change the world but don't let the world change your smile" "You're never fully dressed without a smile" - Martin Charnin "Smile, it looks good on you" "You might be surprised how a simple smile can soothe the soul” 
Picture taken from: